Wednesday, March 26, 2014

 Technology in our Classroom

Here we have our students using our new Smart Board in the classroom.
Presently we are learning about weather for the month of April.
Here the children are viewing our weather calender we update daily.

We have also just received a school grant that allowed us to purchase four iPad's 
for our classroom.
The children can read e-books, listen to stories, and create their own story books.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Themes for this month

April is guitar month-  Todd Sweeney's dad will come in to play a variety of music on his acoustic guitar on April 1st.

April 2 is International book day. Children are encouraged to bring in their favorite book to read in the classroom.

April 14-18 is Week of the young child. During this week our class will be making an "All About Me" book.

April 18 is Pet owners day.  Children who might not have a pet can bring in their favorite stuffed animal.


We have a few people in the center who are celebrating a birthday this month:
                                                            April 3rd- Miss Wanda
                                                            April 4th- Jordan
                                                            April 23rd- Miss Rachael
                                                            April 27th- Miss Chazman

Needs for the Classroom:

  • Change of clothes (summer) shorts, underwear, socks, and a t-shirt.

  • Clorox wipes

  • Kleenex (for Spring allergies)

  • Our class is collecting colored plastic eggs to use in our annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Appropriate Issues For Parents:


If only babies arrived with a personal napping manual. Then you'd know whether you have a child who will happily take daily naps until preschool or the type who will abandon them altogether by age 3. You would be able to count on having free time every afternoon instead of wondering whether you'll be able to squeeze in a shower. Unfortunately, there's no way of knowing how well your little one will nap-or until what age. But there are some things you can do to encourage healthy napping. Here, we answer all your questions about daytime sleep.

Aside from the obvious fact that you need time to check your e-mail, make a phone call, or clean up the house, naps are critical to growing children. "Research suggests that physical and mental development takes place when kids sleep-both at night and during the day.

What's more, studies find that kids who nap have longer attention spans and are less fussy than those who don't. And perhaps the best reason of all: When kids rest during the day, they tend to sleep longer and more peacefully at night.

Potty Training

Potty-training success hinges on physical and emotional readiness, not a specific age. Many kids show interest in potty training by age 2, but others might not be ready until age 2 1/2 or even older — and there's no rush. If you start potty training too early, it might take longer to train your child.

Is your child ready? Ask yourself these questions:

·         Does your child seem interested in the potty chair or toilet, or in wearing underwear?

·         Can your child understand and follow basic directions?

·         Does your child tell you through words, facial expressions or posture when he or she needs to go?

·         Does your child stay dry for periods of two hours or longer during the day?

·         Does your child complain about wet or dirty diapers?

·         Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up again?

·         Can your child sit on and rise from a potty chair?

·         If you answered mostly yes, your child might be ready for potty training. If you answered mostly no, you might want to wait awhile — especially if your child has recently faced or is about to face a major change, such as a move or the arrival of a new sibling. A toddler who opposes potty training today might be open to the idea in a few months.

There's no need to postpone potty training if your child has a chronic medical condition but is able to use the toilet normally. Be aware that the process might take longer, however.

You're past middle-of-the-night feedings and diaper changes, but a good night's sleep is still elusive. Maybe bedtime has turned into a battle of wills, or you're struggling to get your preschooler to stay in his or her bed all night. Worse yet, these bedtime battles might be leaving your child tired and cranky during the day. Consider these simple strategies to put the most common bedtime problems to rest — starting tonight!

What's in the bedtime routine is up to you. You might give your child a warm bath, brush his or her teeth, read a few stories and say bedtime prayers. Each night, you might praise your child for a specific accomplishment or describe something that makes you proud of your child. If you play bedtime music, play the same songs every night — and select other tunes for daytime music. Then tuck your child snugly into bed and say good night. Experiment to find what works best for you — but once you settle on a routine, follow the same sequence of events at the same time and in the same order every night.


An easy craft to make with your children for Easter or Spring.

        The Importance of Reading
                    With Your Child

Even when children are just a few months old, they can look and point at pictures on a page and listen to you talk to them. All of this helps your child learn the importance of language. Reading stimulates your child’s imagination, and helps them better understand their world. Even as they grow older and learn to read themselves, you have set up a foundation of learning and language that will last a lifetime.

Even though life can be hectic, try and read to your child at least once a day. You can set aside a time that works best for you. Maybe a book after dinner? Or ten minutes before bed? If you have more than one child, try and make time for each of them to have alone time with you, reading their favorite book.

After reading a book, ask the child questions about the story. What does this word mean? What happened during the story. Of course, phrase the question to the age of the child.

The goal to reading with your child is to help them become fluent readers. That happens when you enjoy reading. Knowledge is power, and books are full of it! Help your child love and want to read so they can learn all about their world and the people in it.


More information about reading to your children can be found at these great websites.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Menu for the week of April 7th-11th 2014

Preschool Classroom



Orange Slices

Kix Cereal



Whole Grain Pancakes


Chex Cereal

Scrambled Eggs


Fruity Toast





Stuffed Spud


Whole Grain Bread Stick

Baked Ham


Going Green

Mixed Fruit

Whole Grain Dinner Roll

Chix Mix


Whole Grain Pita Wedges

Macaroni Mess


Apple slices

Green Beans 

Boat Burgers

String Cheese



Muscle Mix 



Graham Crackers


Animal Crackers


Whole Grain Waffles

Tuesday, March 18, 2014